St Mary's Catholic Primary School

British Values

Promoting the Fundamental British Values

We promote the fundamental British values throughout our curriculum and in particular our teaching of Collective Worship, Religious Education and Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship programmes.


  • Voting for School Council and Eco Council
  • School Council used to make decisions in school
  • Voting for Woodland Warriors and Mindfulness Monitors
  • Pupil questionnaires 

Rule of Law

  • School Code of Conduct
  • Behaviour and Relationship policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Online safety agreement
  • RSE curriculum
  • Visits form Local Police 

 Mutual Respect

  • Religious events
  • Assemblies
  • Celebration assembly
  • Code of Conduct
  • School Values
  • Behaviour and Relationship policy
  • Sporting events
  • Coffee Mornings
  • Transition High School Visits  


  • Assemblies – protected characteristics
  • RE sessions
  • RSHE sessions - My Happy Mind Programme
  • Visits and visitors
  • Books in the curriculum
  • Books in the reading vending machine 


 Individual Liberty 

  • Choices made in a safe environment
  • Child led learning
  • Homework projects
  • RSE education designed for children to make choices - My Happy Mind
  • Online safety 
  • Pupil voice – selection of Ambassador roles and pupil surveys
  • Extra-curricular activities 

 British Traditions and Heritage

  • Fundraising for charities
  • Attend local community events
  • Celebrate key events e.g. Royal family and Remembrance 
  • The geography and history of Little Crosby, Liverpool and London is in our curriculum



Reception Class British Values

Y1 and Y2 British Values

Y3 and Y4 British Values 

Y5 and Y6 British Values