Welcome to Reception!
Reception 2024-2025
In reception, children learn through play and exploring areas of provision, both inside and outside of the classroom, as well as directed activities.
Everyday, we learn phonics, maths and literacy. We also do lots of fun topics which help us learn and develop in all areas of learning.
The 7 areas of learning:
3 Prime areas:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
- Physical Development
- Communication & Language
4 Specific areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts & Design
Our Learning:
R.E: Creation and Covenant (The Creation Story, looking after our wonderful world and Baptism).
- Subitising to 5.
- Cardinality (how many in a set and number name for quantity), ordinality (numbers in a sequence) and counting - through rhymes and songs.
- Composition up to 4.
- Comparing - sizes/ mass and capacity.
- Exploring patterns.
Phase 2 sounds and tricky words - I, the, no, put, of, is, to, go, into.
Literacy/ Topic - Amazing Me (All about myself, family, stages of growing and Autumn).
Topic work runs in line with the Literacy theme and covers all EYFS areas of learning.
Phonics tips and support for parents:
What we are learning
Autumn 1
Useful Links
Pronunciations of Phonics sounds
Fantastic phonics games/ app
Useful online library for children to access and read online.
Useful games for early years children
We use the Jolly Phonics songs to help us remember our new sounds, good for recapping already taught sounds.
Great for remembering tricky words such as 'said'
Useful for recapping and learning phase 3 tricky words
How fast can you count in your 2's?
We enjoy counting in our 5's, remember to do your hi 5 as you sing along :)
Doubles, Doubles, I can add doubles!
Reception particularly like this song, it helps us remember our double numbers :)
Interactive games to support blending of words and revisiting phonemes- free for parents at the moment! Very useful
Play along with the Alphablocks and have fun with the letters of the alphabet.
Useful Information
- Reception children should arrive at school at 8.45am and will finish at 3:15pm. Children will come into school through the front door by Mrs Skitt's office and leave via the reception gate.
- Snack money is £10 per half term. Children will be provided with snacks and drinks throughout the day.
- Please provide your child with a reusable water bottle which can be filled throughout the day.
- PE will take place on Monday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days. They do not need to bring a change of clothes.
- Reading books will be sent home once per week on a Friday. Please try to read a little to/with your child each day and write in their home reading diary. Children will receive a maximum of 2 reading books per week and should read these several times to build fluency and confidence.
- Infant children are entitled to universal free school meals. Please advise Mrs Skitt if you wish for your child to receive a hot dinner or confirm that you will be providing a packed lunch.
- If your child requires any medication or has any allergies, please speak to the class teacher.
If you have any questions, please speak to the reception staff or leave a message with Mrs Skitt, and we will get back to you!
Miss Powell - Class Teacher
EYFS Long Term Curriculum Map.
EYFS Progression Map 2024-2025
EYFS Policies
EYFS Intent, Implementation and Impact Policy 2024-2025