Special Educational Needs and Disability
St Mary's is an inclusive school which caters for the needs of all pupils.
Any particular difficulties which may hinder the progress of a child are monitored, assessed and tracked rigorously in school. When necessary, parents are consulted and specialist advice and support obtained.
Most initial needs can be met through Quality First Teaching and our universal offer. If required, extra in-class support and interventions can be provided by the school. If progress is not being made then the child may be placed on the SEND register. External support may be sought to better understand the child's needs.
If parents are concerned about their child’s progress, the first step is to make an appointment with the class teacher. If required, the school Special-Needs Coordinator will be consulted, and a meeting will be arranged. If your child is placed on the SEND register, a personalised plan will be developed with all those involved in supporting the child to ensure that their needs are met and they are able to make progress.
The SENCO for St Mary's is Mrs Dunleavy.
Accessibility Policy 2024-25
download_for_offlineAccessibility Policy 2024-25
- Disabled Childrens Register Leaflet download_for_offline
download_for_offlineDisabled Childrens Register Leaflet
- Education Health and Care Plan Review download_for_offline
download_for_offlineEducation Health and Care Plan Review
- Equalities Policy 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineEqualities Policy 24
- Intimate Care Policy 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineIntimate Care Policy 2024
- SEN Policy 2024-2025 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSEN Policy 2024-2025
- St Marys SEND Provision Map download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSt Marys SEND Provision Map
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy download_for_offline
- Disabled Childrens Register Leaflet download_for_offline